(12 Photos) What an amazing start to the new year! I was so close to just staying home huddled in the warm blankets. But I decided that I was going to start getting out there no matter what, just go shoot, explore, adventure, wander around, whatever! And not because it was the new year. I am not one to make resolutions just because a day dictates I do. It's just something about this time of year.. All the BS holiday stuff is finally over, the stuff that seems to put a hold on too many aspects of my life. I can finally breathe, move about, be selfish, go to the grocery store during normal hours, kids finally return to school.. Get things back to normal.

So I went out not expecting much going on in terms of photographic conditions. I made the short drive to my favorite field along the river. This field has everything! Mossy maple trees, fog that rises off the river filling the surrounding forests as the sun rises, so many different grasses, flowers, spiderwebs, wildlife and most importantly to me, no other people around... And today frost, fog, frozen puddles and warm sunlight. I decided to just enjoy this morning by ditching my monster tripod and shooting handheld. There's noting more annoying to me than lugging that thing around. When the light hit, I had no problem shooting at a low enough iso. I captured some real beauties imo that will take some time for me to seriously process. But here, I thought I'd share some of my casual snapshots. Most of these images are pretty much straight out of the camera. A crop or shift in white balance here and there.. pretty minimal, it was just that kind of morning. I still have a lot of images to sift through out of the 300 or so photos I snapped within those few hours that I will share here later on. I'm going to roll with this and keep the momentum going. Go out and explore every chance I get. Stay positive. Progress. Be happy!